What's the Buzz?

Posted by Sarah V. Hayes on Feb 1st 2021

What's the Buzz?

Bribe the Officer with Fudge? Maybe. 

Heard the buzz about chocolate fudge? More of an old-fad, back in the 1980’s, there was a chocolate-fudge soda craze. The story began in 1985 when a truck was pulled over by a police officer. The story, which can be read here from mentalfloss.com, states the truck had a Cannfield Diet Chocolate Fudge Soda logo on it. Because the officer loved the soda so much, he gave the driver a break by not giving him a ticket.

Before the drink was produced, Jet Cola was a similar soda on the market. The drink was super caffeinated known to keep computer programers and those working third-shift awake. In addition, there was another product available at the time, known as New Coke. When the two sodas were combined, chocolate and fizzy seltzer water was made, becoming known as Diet Chocolate Fudge.

Diet Chocolate Fudge soda soon became a fad of the mid 80’s. After a local columnist claimed the soda helped him lose weight, word quickly spread to millions around the nation. The “miracle” soda was sought-out by many, including those who wanted to smell (and taste) the indulgence of the dessert without having to ingest the calories.

Containing only two calories, shelves and food trucks couldn’t keep up with the demand. By this point though, other bottling companies had invented their own similar product. Companies such as Yoo-hoo and Royal Crown mimicked the carbonated drink. Comparable companies though, couldn’t replicate because their companies were associated with non-carbonated beverages only.

Soon, a Diet Chocolate Cherry Fudge soda was made but the company had to give most of the sodas’ income to its imitators. Canfield Company was then sold to Select Beverages.

Today, Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Fudge is rare to come by. However, if one does find it, they might want to hold on to it for a collectors item.

Interested in trying our craze for chocolate? Look no further than here.