The U.S. Declaration of Independence- Post 6 of 52

Posted by Steve Jackson on Feb 28th 2025

The U.S. Declaration of Independence- Post 6 of 52

How many delegates eventually signed the Declaration of Independence? - 56 over the course of several weeks. The vote to break away from Great Britian passed on July 2, 1776 and the Declaration was officially adopted on July 4.
The President of the 2nd. Continental Congress, John Hancock, one of five delegates from Massachusetts, was the first to sign followed by the secretary of the Congress Charles Thompson.
On the night of July 4, the Declaration, with only the signatures of these two men, was sent to the printer and 200 copies were soon made and distributed around the colonies. John Dunlap, of Philadelphia, was the official printer for the Continental Congress
The other 55 delegates signed when they had the time with the majority signing by August 2 the official day of ratification. Some delegates who were not present during the debate signed later while some who were there during the debate, did not for various reasons. The passing of the Declaration of Independence was unanimous of the 13 colonies.
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