The Speaker of the House

Posted by Steve Jackson on Oct 23rd 2023

The Speaker of the House

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives does much more than speak. The Speaker virtually controls the entire House of Representatives by exercising the power delegated to it by the House rules and regulations. The Speaker is the House leader of the party in power and is second-in-line to become President after the Vice-President. The Speaker is the main politician to negotiate between the House and the President and the Senate. 

The Speaker is chosen by the entire House membership via a simple majority vote for a two-year stint. Duties include ceremonial jobs such as swearing in newly elected members, and more powerful jobs such as giving members permission to speak on the House floor, assigning committee memberships, counting votes, and directing which bills are deliberated on by the various committees. Being the House Speaker is a very powerful position – not just all talk at all. 

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