Here's an idea: Purchase new team uniforms with money you earn from our fundraisers.  

Phenomenal Fudge has conducted successful fundraisers with sports clubs, schools, PTAs, day care centers, social organizations, churches and charitable organizations. Your commission is 40% of your total sales, both person-to-person and online sales.

Sales chart:

If you want to earn $250 then sell $625 worth of fudge (63 tubs at $10)

If you want to earn $500 then sell $1,250 worth of fudge (125 tubs at $10)

If you want to earn $750 then sell $1,875 worth of fudge (188 tubs at $10) 

If you want to earn $1000 then sell $2,500 worth of fudge (250 tubs at $10)


Shipping is FREE for sales over $1000 and sent to the organization. Local organizers can also choose to pick up their order at our business in Shoreham, VT.  Fundraisers are only available for organizations based in the USA. Below is a 2024 image of one of our fundraising groups: Cub Scout Pack 3419.  You are invited to send us a photo of your group too! Thanks everyone for doing a fundraiser with us!


Schedule a Phenomenal Fudge Fundraiser

Phenomenal Fudge has conducted successful fundraisers with sports clubs, schools, PTAs, day care centers, social organizations, churches and charitable organizations.

New and improved for 2025 - Your group will enjoy FREE SHIPPING with orders over $1000. Fundraising can now be done with individuals and not just organizations. And, in addition to the usual in-person order-taking we now offer online fundraising. Your members can spread the word to friends and family to buy our fudge at with a unique Promotional code. Online orders can choose any of our Phenomenal Fudge products like the One-Pound Swirled Tin shown here. Online orders get shipped within two business days.

Contact us today and have money in the bank in less than a month. Please know that the "Buy Three Get One More Free" promotion does not apply to fundraiser purchases.

Phone/Fax: 802-897-7300
Web site:
Phenomenal Fudge Inc, 4668 VT RT 74W, Shoreham, VT 05770

Our Simple Plan:

Step 1

Contact us by filling out the form below.

We suggest contacting us as soon as possible to schedule your fundraiser. Our program spaces fill quickly.

We’ll send you all the information you’ll need to spread the word and get started. This includes a poster and press release for you to copy or customize as you see fit and distribute.

Step 2

Collect orders and money up front using the sale forms provided. The minimum order for your fundraiser is 24 half-pound tubs. Fundraiser flavors include:

  • Chocolate
  • Maple Walnut
  • Chocolate Caramel 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Chocolate Cheesecake 
  • English Toffee
  • Dark Chocolate Walnut 
  • Cookies & Cream

Step 3

Sell, promote, and tag us on social media or send us pictures. We love to promote our Phenomenal Fundraisers!
When your fundraiser is complete, send us your Group Leader Summary order form along with a business check, bank check, or money order for 60% of your total sales.

Step 4

We’ll fulfill your order within 10 days of getting your order/payment. Remember, shipping to your organization is FREE for orders of more than $1000 of fudge. Send us a group image of members, or what you intend to buy with your earnings and we will include five FREE half-pound fudge tubs worth $50. The minimum order for this freebie offer is 48 tubs. We may post your image on the fundraiser Hall-of-Fame page.

Your customers’ fudge will arrive fresh and in our famous air-tight reusable tub that makes storage a snap.

Store fudge away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Our fudge does not need to be refrigerated until after opening.

Step 5

Distribute the fudge to your happy fundraiser customers. Everyone loves good fudge, and we make the best!

Our 100% satisfaction guarantee covers your customers as well as ours.